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Help Center Using ChargeDeskHelpdesk AppsResolving Loading Issues

Resolving Loading Issues

In some situations, you may experience issues loading the ChargeDesk application inside of your helpdesk. You may see a screen like the one below, or a persistent error message.

There are a few steps you can take to resolve this problem.

1. Clear your Session

Please go to in the browser where you are experiencing the loading problem. This will reconnect ChargeDesk to your browser and resolve any issues with corrupt or incorrect credentials saved to your device. You can then reload any open helpdesk pages and the issue may be resolved.

2. Ensure Cookies are Enabled

ChargeDesk apps sometimes require cookies to run. Some browser settings and extensions may block the cookies that ChargeDesk requires.

You can find information here on how to ensure cookies are enabled on your browser. In some contexts, ChargeDesk requires third-party cookies to be enabled. This page can help you check if they are:

If you do not have third-party cookies enabled, you can follow the Resolving App Login Issues guide to fix this problem.

3. Disable Privacy Extensions

We recommend temporarily disabling any privacy related extension you have running in your browser. If you are using Chrome, you can review your active extensions by going to chrome://extensions/ in your browser. If this resolves the issue, you may be able to whitelist and in the extension to resolve the issue while the extension is enabled.

4. Contact Support

If the steps above do not resolve your issue, please contact support and send us the following details;

  1. A screenshot of the error message/loading screen you see
  2. Your ChargeDesk login email address
  3. Your browser version and operating system. You can find this information here.
  4. (optional, but recommended) Generate a HAR file which captures the issue. You can find information on how to do this here.
Once you send us this information we will attempt to replicate the problem and advise you on how to resolve it.