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Multiple Gateways of the Same Type

ChargeDesk does support connecting multiple gateways of the same type, however each gateway must be added to it's own company. For example if you have a Stripe gateway associated with a company called "Brand A", to add another Stripe gateway to your account, you must add another company such as one called "Brand B". You can then add a second Stripe account to "Brand B" and so on for more Stripe accounts.

There's no charge for adding additional companies to your account and data from all connected companies can be accessed by all agents at once who have permission to access them. Searches inside of ChargeDesk apps and helpdesk integrations will search all connected companies at once. From the agent's point of view, it will no difference that the gateways are connected to separate companies.

To add a company, login with your primary ChargeDesk account, then go to Account Setup (top right menu) > Add Company. Please note that if you are not logged in with the primary account, your billing account will not be associated with the new company and you may have trouble accessing them.

Once you've added your new company you can add the gateway to the company from Setup > Gateways > Add Gateway.

You can then add agents to this new company from Account Setup (top right menu) > Add Agent. If the agent is already using ChargeDesk, just re-add them with permission to the new company as well as the old.

Please contact us if you have any problems connecting additional gateways to your account.