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Help Center GeneralReseller Program

Reseller Setup

ChargeDesk offers a reseller system which allows you to manage multiple, separate child companies under one parent account. If you would like to become activated as a reseller, please contact support so we can enable this feature on your account.

Step 1: Add a Child Company

Go to Account Setup (top right menu) > Add Company. Enter the name of the company you're adding and ensure the Child company option is selected as per the screenshot above.

Step 2: Add Agents to the Child Company

You'll be taken to the Add Agent page after you have created a Child Company. You can also access this from Account Setup > Add Agent.

You only need to add agents who need access to payment data or need to manage the company's settings on ChargeDesk. Support agents who need access to payment data should be given the 'Agent' role. Company managers who can change company settings and connect Gateways or Helpdesks should be given the 'Admin' role.

Please note: if the company is using Zendesk for support, you to not need to add agents manually here. Agents will be automatically given access through Zendesk. You can return to the Manage Agents page to set access levels for Zendesk agents once a Zendesk account has been connected to the company.

Step 3: Add a Gateway to the Child Company (optional)

You can access the Setup page for a company you've added from Account Setup > List Companies. Click on the Setup button next to the company you just created.

On the Setup Checklist page, click the Complete Setup link next to "Connect a Gateway". From here follow the steps to add the company's gateway. You'll need admin access to to the company's gateway to connect it to their ChargeDesk account. If you don't have access to this, you can skip this step and add an administrator in Step 2 who can do this for you.

Step 4: Add a Helpdesk to the Child Company (optional)

Back on the Setup Checklist page, click the Complete Setup link next to "Connect a Helpdesk". From here follow the steps to add the company's helpdesk. You'll need admin access to the company's helpdesk to connect it to their ChargeDesk account. If you don't have access to this, you can skip this step and add an administrator in Step 4 who can do this for you.

Step 5: Review Child Company Settings (optional)

If the company only wants to manage their charges inside their helpdesk, then you don't need to complete any further setup. However, ChargeDesk offers a number of other useful features, such as Email Receipts, Tax Invoices and Self-Service Billing Support pages. You can activate these from the Setup page for the company.

If you have any problems or questions while setting up accounts, please contact us and we'd be happy to help.