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Help Center GeneralNew Design

New Design Overview

We’re thrilled to unveil our new web interface design! After extensive development, we’re proud to present a faster, more modern, and consistent user experience across all ChargeDesk features. Rest assured, all existing features remain intact, and this update does not impact any of our apps or integrations.

Below, you’ll find details on the core navigation changes. Dive in and explore the enhancements!

Main Menu

The main menu for navigating around ChargeDesk has been moved from the top to the left side of the screen. This gives us more flexibility for adding additional menu items and enables expanding menus, making it faster for you to navigate between pages.

Company Switch

The company switch has moved from the top right of the screen, to the top left above the main menu. This move brings core navigation to the same location and makes the switch clearer and faster to use. It also adds shortcuts to managing agents, roles and billing settings from the same menu.

Account Management

The account management options have moved to the bottom left of the screen. This move clearly separates them from the company management features and groups functionality more logically.

Tweaks and Polish

Many other pages have been updated with minor tweaks and polish to improve usability and consistency across our features. However, the vast majority of buttons and inputs remain in the same position and retain all the same functionality to make the transition as smooth as possible for you and your team.

We hope you enjoy the new design and find it easier to use. If you have any feedback or questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.