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Stripe Pause Subscriptions

ChargeDesk now supports pausing Stripe subscriptions temporarily. Pausing a Stripe subscription stops newly generated invoices from being collected. This means that the customer will not be charged while the subscription is paused.

Please note: pausing a Stripe subscription only stops new invoice collection. It does not mean that the subscription's billing cycle changes. This means that it only takes effect at the end of the existing billing period for the customer. If the subscription is paused for less time than the subscription's billing cycle, then the custom may not have any payments skipped. Existing uncollected invoices for a customer will not be affected and will still be due to be paid.

Subscriptions can be paused in three different ways.

This setting is applied on an account-wide basis. You can change this from. You can set this from Setup > Gateways > Configure next to Stripe > Subscription Pause.

To pause a subscription in one of our apps, click the "Cancel" button against a subscription. Then choose "Pause Temporarily" as the cancellation option. You can choose to automatically reactivate the subscription after a set period of time. Whether you choose to automatically reactivate the subscription or not, you will be able to manually reactivate the subscription at any stage.

ChargeDesk also supports allowing customers to pause their own subscriptions from Subscription Self-Support pages and Embeddable Components. Subscriptions paused this way can be automatically reactivated after a set period for Stripe. This can be enabled from Setup > Self-Support > Subscription Details > Subscription Button Settings > set "Pause Button" to "Enabled".