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Help Center SettingsGateway SettingsStripeBackup API Key

Stripe Backup API Key

Stripe is currently experiencing errors while modifying subscriptions using OAuth authentication. Saving a backup API Key to your ChargeDesk account will resolve this issue and allow you to resume normal functionality.

ChargeDesk now allows you to save a backup API key for your Stripe account. This provides a secondary connection in case your main connection to Stripe fails.

You can save a backup key after logging into your ChargeDesk account at Setup > Gateways > Configure next to Stripe > Save Key

Your Secret key can be obtained from your Stripe dashboard. You can either click the Create secret key button, or if it is not available (such as in Test mode) you can use your standard Secret key as shown below. Both options will provide a secret key which you can save on ChargeDesk as a backup. Copy the key you choose into the Secret key input on ChargeDesk and save the form.

This backup secret key will only be used when the main OAuth connection for your account fails. If you have any problems adding your backup secret key, please contact support and we'd be happy to assist you.