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WooCommerce Setup Guide

ChargeDesk connects to your WooCommerce using OAuth. You must be running WooCommerce version 3.5 or later and WordPress version 4.4 or later in order to integrate with ChargeDesk.

Just enter your store URL and you'll be prompted to enable ChargeDesk to access your store.

ChargeDesk works with most WooCommerce configurations. The one exception to this is if Pretty Permalinks are not enabled on your store. If this is the case, your WooCommerce API will not function and ChargeDesk will not be able to connect to your store. To resolve this, go to Settings > Permalinks and change your Common Settings to anything other than Plain. This will enable pretty permalinks and allow authentication as well as API access to go through.

If you have other gateways connected to your WooCommerce store (such as Stripe or PayPal), we recommend that you only connect your WooCommerce store and not these gateways as well. This will stop duplicate data from appearing in your account.

Connect WooCommerce