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Okta SSO Integration

ChargeDesk supports integrating with Okta as an OpenID Connect provider. This enables Single Sign On (SSO) for your team, allowing them to sign in to ChargeDesk using their Okta account.

Supported features

Configuration steps

To enable this feature on ChargeDesk just go to Account Setup > Manage SSO and click the link to setup your SSO connection. From here you can set your SSO Provider to Okta and also the default role for the agents authenticated this way. You also need to enter your Okta Domain. This is the part of your Okta URL before For example, if your Okta URL is, your Okta Domain is example.

To set up the ChargeDesk connection in Okta and obtain the Client ID and Client Secret, you'll need to add ChargeDesk to your Okta account.

  1. Log in to your Okta account
  2. Click on the Applications menu
  3. Click on Browse App Catalogue
  4. Search for ChargeDesk in the Search field
  5. Click Add Application on the ChargeDesk application and complete the form to add the application to your account
  6. On the newly created application, click the Sign On tab
  7. In the field SSO Login Path, enter the "Login Path" you set for your SSO connection on ChargeDesk
  8. Save and return to the Sign On tab
  9. You'll now be shown the Client ID and Client Secret. Enter these into the ChargeDesk SSO setup page and click Save.

SP-initiated SSO

After completing the steps above, you'll be given a Sign In URL on your Manage SSO page. You just need to provide this to your support agents so they can sign in to ChargeDesk using their Okta account from this page.