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Update Cards

ChargeDesk can let your customers update their credit cards. When customers enter new card details through ChargeDesk, this information it sent directly from your customer's browser to your payment gateway. The new card is then set as the default payment method for new charges for that customer. You can use this technique to provide an easy method to allow your customers to update cancelled or expired credit cards.

Card updates must be turned on in your company settings.
Sign in to show your company settings here.

Enabling the card update page will add an "Update Card" menu item to your billing support pages. You can also link directly to the update card page;

Link to a Customer's Card Update Page

You can add a link anywhere on your site directly to your customer's billing history. Just replace {customer_id} with the customer's ID from your payment gateway. more info

<a href="{company_id}/customer/{customer_id}/card?signature={signature}">
    Update Credit Card

There are several formats for this URL depending on which landing page you want to take the customer to.

Please note: in High Security mode, these URLs require an additional signature which must be generated with your secret support key.

Embed Card Update Component on your Site

You can add a script to your site anywhere you would like your customers to be able to update their cards.

Find out more about embedding the customer card update component.