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Generic Payments

ChargeDesk can generate pages which allow your customers to pay you a flexible amount which they can fill in on the payment page. You can also use a card collection page to save customer card so they can be later charged.

Generic pages must be turned on in your company settings.
Sign in to show your company settings here.

Link to your Generic Payment or Card Collection Page

You can add a link anywhere on your site directly to your payment page.

<a href="{company_id}/pay">
    Make a Payment

There are several formats for this URL depending on which landing page you want to take the customer to.

You can change default fields on this page by using the following parameters in the URL e.g.{company_id}/pay?amount=123&currency=USD
The following options are available; If there are any other options which would be useful to you, please email us and we'll be happy to help.

Embed Payment or Card Collection on your Site

You can add a script to your site anywhere you would like to collect payments or your customer's cards.

Find out more about embedding the generic payment or card collection components.